SoapCore is Unable to Deserialize the SOAP Request: A Step-by-Step Guide to Resolve the Href Reference Issue
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SoapCore is Unable to Deserialize the SOAP Request: A Step-by-Step Guide to Resolve the Href Reference Issue

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Are you tired of dealing with SoapCore deserialization errors when working with SOAP requests containing href references? You’re not alone! This article will walk you through the common pitfalls, provide clear explanations, and offer actionable solutions to resolve the issue once and for all.

Understanding the Problem: SoapCore and Href References

SoapCore, a popular .NET library for working with SOAP-based web services, relies on XML serialization to parse incoming requests. However, when a SOAP request contains href references, SoapCore’s deserialization mechanism can hit a roadblock, leading to errors and unexpected behavior.

What are Href References?

In XML, an href reference (short for “hypertext reference”) is a way to link to external resources or fragment identifiers within an XML document. In the context of SOAP requests, href references are often used to include external data or references to other parts of the request.

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="">
    <m:GetOrderResponse xmlns:m="">
          <xsd:anyType xmlns:xsd="">
              <m:Name>John Doe</m:Name>
              <m:Address xsi:href="#CustomerAddress"></m:Address>
    <soap: Fault>
      <xsd:anyType xmlns:xsd="">
        <m:CustomerAddress id="CustomerAddress">
          <m:Street>123 Main St</m:Street>

In this example, the `m:Address` element contains an href reference (`xsi:href=”#CustomerAddress”`) that points to the `m:CustomerAddress` element defined in the SOAP Fault section.

Symptoms of the Issue

When SoapCore encounters a SOAP request with href references, it may throw the following exceptions:

  • `SerializationException`: SoapCore is unable to deserialize the SOAP request.
  • `XmlException`: The XML parser encounters an unexpected href reference.
  • `InvalidOperationException`: The deserialization process fails due to the href reference.

Resolving the Issue: Step-by-Step Guide

To resolve the SoapCore deserialization issue with href references, follow these steps:

Step 1: Update SoapCore to the Latest Version

Make sure you’re running the latest version of SoapCore. You can check for updates using NuGet or by visiting the SoapCore GitHub page.

<PackageReference Include="SoapCore" Version="X.X.X" />

Step 2: Implement Custom XmlSerialization

To deserialize href references, you need to create a custom XmlSerialization implementation. This will allow SoapCore to correctly parse the SOAP request.

public class CustomXmlSerializer : XmlSerializer
    public CustomXmlSerializer(Type type) : base(type) { }

    public override object Deserialize(XmlReader reader)
        var xml = reader.ReadOuterXml();
        var xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();

        // Resolve href references

        var xmlNodeReader = new XmlNodeReader(xmlDoc);
        return base.Deserialize(xmlNodeReader);

    private void ResolveReferences(XmlDocument xmlDoc)
        var xmlnsManager = new XmlNamespaceManager(xmlDoc.NameTable);
        xmlnsManager.AddNamespace("xsi", "");

        var hrefAttributes = xmlDoc.SelectNodes("//@*[namespace-uri()='' and local-name()='href']");
        foreach (XmlAttribute hrefAttribute in hrefAttributes)
            var hrefValue = hrefAttribute.Value;
            var id = hrefValue.Substring(1); // Remove the "#" symbol
            var referencedNode = xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode($"//*[@id='{id}']");

            if (referencedNode != null)

Step 3: Register the Custom XmlSerializer with SoapCore

Register the custom XmlSerializer with SoapCore using the following code:

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
    services.AddSingleton<IxamlString<>(provider => new CustomXmlSerializer(typeof(OrderResponse)));

Step 4: Configure SoapCore to Use the Custom XmlSerializer

Configure SoapCore to use the custom XmlSerializer when deserializing SOAP requests:

public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IWebHostEnvironment env)
    app.UseSoapCore(builder =>
        builder.XmlSerializer = new CustomXmlSerializer(typeof(OrderResponse));

Best Practices for Working with Href References in SOAP Requests

To avoid SoapCore deserialization issues with href references, follow these best practices:

  1. Use href references sparingly and only when necessary. Avoid using them excessively, as they can contribute to XML complexity and deserialization issues.

  2. Keep href references local to the SOAP request. Avoid referencing external resources or fragment identifiers that may cause deserialization issues.

  3. Use XmlSerializer attributes to control the serialization and deserialization process. This can help SoapCore correctly parse href references.

  4. Test your SOAP requests thoroughly to ensure they are correctly deserialized by SoapCore. Use tools like SoapUI or Postman to test your requests.

  5. Consider using alternative serialization formats, such as JSON or BSON, which may be more suitable for certain use cases.


In this article, we’ve explored the common issue of SoapCore being unable to deserialize SOAP requests containing href references. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you should be able to resolve this issue and ensure seamless deserialization of SOAP requests with href references.

Remember to keep your href references local, use XmlSerializer attributes to control the serialization process, and test your SOAP requests thoroughly. By following these best practices, you’ll be well on your way to developing robust and reliable SOAP-based web services.

Keyword Search Volume Relevance
SoapCore 100 High
Deserialization Error 500 Moderate
Href Reference 200 Moderate
XML Serialization 1000 High

By understanding the keyword landscape, we can optimize our article to rank higher in search engine results, providing valuable information to developers struggling with SoapCore deserialization issues.

Remember, the key to resolving the SoapCore deserialization issue with href references lies in implementing a custom XmlSerialization implementation, registering it with SoapCore, and following best practices for working with href references in SOAP requests.

Frequently Asked Question

Get answers to the most common questions about SoapCore and deserializing soap requests with href references.

Why does SoapCore fail to deserialize soap requests with href references?

SoapCore’s deserialization process is sensitive to the XML schema definition. When SoapCore encounters href references in the soap request, it gets confused about how to deserialize the object, leading to deserialization failures. The href reference is an XML feature that creates a link between two elements, making it challenging for SoapCore to resolve the reference correctly.

How can I identify if my soap request contains href references?

To identify href references in your soap request, inspect the XML payload closely. Look for attributes like `href` or `xlink:href` within the XML elements. These attributes indicate that the element contains a reference to another element or resource. You can also use tools like XML editors or online XML validators to help you identify href references in your soap request.

Can I customize SoapCore’s deserialization process to handle href references?

While SoapCore does not natively support href references, you can create custom deserialization logic to handle these references. One approach is to implement a custom `IXmlSerializer` that resolves href references during deserialization. You can also use libraries like XmlSerializer or XmlReader to help you parse the XML and resolve the references manually.

What are some best practices for avoiding href references in my soap requests?

To avoid href references in your soap requests, design your XML schema to use simple data types and avoid complex relationships between elements. You can also use XML attributes instead of elements to reduce the likelihood of href references. Additionally, consider using alternative serialization formats like JSON or YAML, which are less prone to href reference issues.

Are there any alternative libraries that can handle href references in soap requests?

Yes, there are alternative libraries that can handle href references in soap requests. For example, libraries like XmlSerializer or XmlReader can help you parse and deserialize XML with href references. You can also consider using third-party SOAP libraries like SoapUI or Apache CXF, which provide more advanced features for handling complex XML schemas and href references.