Unable to use both SQL Server and Postgres connection together on the same job – Talend: A Comprehensive Guide
Image by Chijioke - hkhazo.biz.id

Unable to use both SQL Server and Postgres connection together on the same job – Talend: A Comprehensive Guide

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Are you tired of struggling to connect both SQL Server and Postgres databases on the same job in Talend? You’re not alone! Many users have faced this frustrating issue, but fear not, we’ve got you covered. In this article, we’ll dive into the reasons behind this limitation, and more importantly, provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to overcome it.

The Problem: Why Can’t I Use Both Connections Together?

Talend, a popular open-source data integration tool, allows users to connect to various databases, including SQL Server and Postgres. However, by design, Talend restricts users from using both SQL Server and Postgres connections on the same job. But why is that?

The reason lies in the way Talend handles database connections. Each database connection is associated with a specific driver, and when you create a job, Talend loads the drivers for the respective databases. Since SQL Server and Postgres have different drivers, Talend can’t load both drivers simultaneously, resulting in the “Unable to use both SQL Server and Postgres connection together on the same job” error.

The Solution: Using a Ternary Operator and Separate Connections

Don’t worry, we’ve got a clever workaround for you! By using a ternary operator and creating separate connections, you can bypass this limitation and connect to both SQL Server and Postgres databases on the same job.

Step 1: Create Separate Connections

First, create two separate connections, one for SQL Server and one for Postgres, in your Talend job.

// Create a SQL Server connection
tMSSqlConnection_1 -> tLogRow_1

// Create a Postgres connection
tPostgresqlConnection_1 -> tLogRow_2

Step 2: Use a Ternary Operator

Next, use a ternary operator to conditionally execute the connections based on a specific condition. In this example, we’ll use a context variable “db_type” to switch between the SQL Server and Postgres connections.

// Use a ternary operator to conditionally execute the connections
((String)globalMap.get("db_type") == "mssql") ? 
    (tMSSqlConnection_1 -> tLogRow_1) : 
    (tPostgresqlConnection_1 -> tLogRow_2)

In this example, if the “db_type” context variable is set to “mssql”, the SQL Server connection will be executed; otherwise, the Postgres connection will be executed.

Step 3: Configure the Context Variable

Finally, configure the “db_type” context variable to switch between the SQL Server and Postgres connections. You can do this by adding a tSetGlobalVariables component to your job.

Component Variable Type Value
tSetGlobalVariables_1 db_type String mssql (or postgres)

You can now run your job with the “db_type” context variable set to either “mssql” or “postgres” to execute the respective connections.

Alternative Solution: Using a Single Connection with a Dynamic JDBC URL

If you prefer a more elegant solution, you can use a single connection with a dynamic JDBC URL to connect to both SQL Server and Postgres databases. This approach eliminates the need for separate connections and ternary operators.

Step 1: Create a Single Connection

Create a single connection, and instead of specifying a fixed database URL, use a dynamic JDBC URL that can be switched between SQL Server and Postgres.

// Create a single connection with a dynamic JDBC URL
tJDBCConnection_1 -> tLogRow_1

Step 2: Configure the Dynamic JDBC URL

Configure the dynamic JDBC URL using a context variable “db_url”. You can add a tSetGlobalVariables component to your job to set the “db_url” variable.

Component Variable Type Value
tSetGlobalVariables_1 db_url String “jdbc:sqlserver://localhost:1433;databaseName=mydb” (or “jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/mydb”)

In your tJDBCConnection component, use the “db_url” context variable to set the dynamic JDBC URL.

// Use the dynamic JDBC URL in the tJDBCConnection component

You can now run your job with the “db_url” context variable set to either the SQL Server or Postgres JDBC URL to execute the respective connections.


In conclusion, while Talend restricts users from using both SQL Server and Postgres connections on the same job, we’ve shown you two clever workarounds to overcome this limitation. By using a ternary operator and separate connections or a single connection with a dynamic JDBC URL, you can successfully connect to both databases on the same job.

Remember to configure the context variables and connections according to your specific needs, and you’ll be able to seamlessly integrate your SQL Server and Postgres databases using Talend.


  • Q: Can I use this approach with other databases?
    A: Yes, you can adapt this approach to connect to other databases, such as Oracle, MySQL, or DB2, by modifying the JDBC URL and driver accordingly.
  • Q: How do I switch between the SQL Server and Postgres connections dynamically?
    A: You can use a context variable or a parameter to dynamically switch between the SQL Server and Postgres connections based on your specific requirements.
  • Q: What if I encounter issues with the dynamic JDBC URL approach?
    A: Make sure to check the JDBC URL and driver settings, and ensure that the database credentials and connection properties are correct. If you still encounter issues, consider using the ternary operator approach as a fallback.

We hope this comprehensive guide has helped you resolve the “Unable to use both SQL Server and Postgres connection together on the same job” issue in Talend. Happy integrating!

Frequently Asked Question

Are you stuck with Talend and wondering why you can’t use both SQL Server and Postgres connections together on the same job? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Check out these frequently asked questions and find the solutions you need.

Why can’t I use both SQL Server and Postgres connections together on the same job in Talend?

This is because Talend can only handle one database connection per job. If you need to connect to both SQL Server and Postgres, you’ll need to create separate jobs for each connection. You can, however, use sub-jobs to connect to different databases within a single main job.

How do I create separate jobs for each database connection?

To create separate jobs for each database connection, simply create a new job in Talend for each database you want to connect to. For example, create one job for your SQL Server connection and another job for your Postgres connection. You can then use these jobs as sub-jobs in your main job.

Can I use a single job to connect to multiple databases using different connections?

No, you cannot use a single job to connect to multiple databases using different connections in Talend. Each job can only handle one database connection. If you need to connect to multiple databases, you’ll need to create separate jobs for each connection.

How do I use sub-jobs to connect to different databases within a single main job?

To use sub-jobs to connect to different databases within a single main job, create separate jobs for each database connection, and then add these jobs as sub-jobs to your main job. You can then use triggers to control the execution of each sub-job and connect to the respective databases.

What are the benefits of using separate jobs for each database connection?

Using separate jobs for each database connection provides better organization, reusability, and maintainability of your Talend projects. It also allows you to easily manage and troubleshoot individual connections, reducing the complexity and risk of errors.

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